Friday, August 5, 2011

Week Seven

Friday, July 29
I was thinking about what Dean said. He had mentioned that what had happened to me Sat, July 23 is what is known as "hitting the wall". It is a mental barrier that is often harder to overcome than the physical barriers. It is the "I can't do this! What was I thinking? My body isn't ready!" He said something about endurance and that it is difficult to endure when we live in a right here, right now world. I KNOW endurance! That is what I needed to cope with Myles and Jessica's deaths. That is what I needed to write two full-length books, and halfway through the one I'm working on now. And that is what is getting me through this time waiting for my husband to come along! If I can endure through those things, I can endure through this.

Saturday, July 30
I didn't want to get up and go do this workout, but once I got out there, I felt really good and ready to knock out the 5 miles I was going to have to do. So we started walking, but just after the 1.25, I was told to turn around and go back. It had begun to rain, which is fine, but then it also began to lightning, which is not good. So, thanks to the weather, we had to quit early. I was bummed about it, but I figure God knows what He's doing.

Tuesday, Aug 2
Once a year, I have to take a stupid class to renew my cab permit. It messes up my schedule because it is not conducive to night drivers! Long story short, I went to the class Monday and didn't get much sleep. I ended up taking Mon night off to get some sleep. Then I woke up at 5:00 Tuesday morning. I turned on the TV and saw that the current temp was 68! The high for the day was 97. I decided that I should go ahead and get my walk done then. So, I ate breakfast (what Dean told me to eat before a big walk) and drank a bottle of water. I had planned on doing 3 miles at that point (according to the schedule). I brought a gel pack with me just in case. I had 2 bottles of water, 1 bottle of Gatorade, and a baggie of pretzels. I decided on my way down to the park that I was going to try to do the 5 I was supposed to do on Sat, but couldn't due to the storm. I figured I would see how I felt at about 1.5 miles in before deciding. At the 1.5, I felt great! At the 2, I felt great! Between the 2 and the 2.5, my left ankle started bothering me. I stopped at the 2.5 and did some ankle exercises. I prayed, stretched my hips, and began heading back. At about the 3 mile marker I was looking down and thinking about the song playing on my mp3 app. I looked up and saw a beautiful deer standing in the middle of the path about 50 feet ahead of me. I lifted my sunglasses to get a better look. She just stood there! I got about 40 feet away before she bolted into the shrub! What an amazing treat! I felt great through most of the walk. At about the 3.75 I started feeling weak, so I ate the gel pack. Cindy wasn't lying when she said I would feel better immediately! I walked the rest of the way with no problem. My feet hurt by the time I got back to the car, but that may have been because I have never walked 5.5 before!

Wednesday, Aug 3
Today I was supposed to do weight training. When I woke up though, my legs were sore. I'm assuming that is from my 5.5 mile walk yesterday. I forced myself to do the weight training exercises anyway.

Friday, Aug 5
I didn't walk yesterday as I was supposed to because I just didn't have time. Sometimes life happens and exercise is the thing that doesn't get done. My legs were still bothering me some. I was thinking about doing some walking today, but with the big walk tomorrow, I thought I had better not.

My legs still feel kind of rubbery from the walk on Tuesday and the workout on Wednesday. I want to do this half marathon, but I don't want to be sore all of the time. I don't think that is what God wants for us. He wants us to be in shape and to take care of our bodies, but I think if I'm still sore three days later, I'm doing more than my body is ready to handle. I'm going to talk to Dean about it in the morning. We are scheduled to do 5.2 tomorrow.

Due to the rain, Cindy didn't want to take her camera out much (I don't blame her there), so there is only one photo of me from this past Saturday.

 Maybe it's just me, but that fat roll on my belly doesn't look as big this week! YAY!

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